Welcome to my Resource page which I hope you will find of interest.
Here you will be able to find all sorts of useful garden design tips and advice, as well as a wide range of information of plants for seasonal interest and specific purposes, and even reviews on gardens I would recommend to visit. You can also access information on how to look after the plants in your garden at different times of the year. Simply use the search tool to find what you’re looking for.

Choosing plants for your garden – what to consider before purchasing!
If you’re new to gardening and are feeling inspired to go plant shopping, the vast range of shrubs, perennials, grasses, annuals and bulbs on offer

RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019 – highlights
I enjoyed my annual visit to the Chelsea Flower Show this week. There was a good variety of show gardens to enjoy as well as

5 essential … plants with white flowers
It sometimes seems that we are on an endless quest to find plants for seasonal colour, but we shouldn’t forget the dazzling year-round contribution that

Gardens to visit – Sheffield Park
If you’re looking for a garden to visit in the autumn, I can guarantee that Sheffield Park will be in any top 10 list for

Gardens to visit – The Beth Chatto Gardens, Essex
In times of drought it’s pretty much inevitable that the gardening press turns its spotlight on the Beth Chatto Gardens, as was the case this

A guide to watering your garden efficiently
As we here in the UK suffer (or enjoy, depending on your outlook) a prolonged period of drought and unusually high temperatures, the gardeners amongst